Vibration Message

Description: Used to transfer vibration data–typically from an accelerometer.

Topic: Asset/A1000/Vibration

Example Message:
"itemInstanceId": "Part_EPICS_1001",
"messageId": "23bb41a6d0d15ad39",
"sensorId": "accelerometer1",

Sampling Definitions:

Message Parameters

Parameter Description
dateTime Date and time (ISO 8601) when the sampling began.
assetId The Id of the entity that is generating the message data
dataItemId The Id of the secondary classification of the data. This is always Vibration for this message.
itemInstanceId The Id of the item (part) being processed during the measurement
messageId A globally unique Id to identify the message.
sensorId The Id of the sensor that is used to collect the data
samplingInterval The time [seconds] between each sample listed in values
value An array of equally spaced sample values [g] for this grouping. The time between each sample is samplingInterval. The length of the array is equal to the sample size.